Tortoise Morphs
About Us
Tortoise Morphs is a collaborative effort between breeders of morph chelonians (tortoises & turtles) and some select wild type (default or natural-looking) options. Current morph projects include leucistic/ivory sulcata tortoises, hypomelanistic/hypo Brazilian cherryhead tortoises, hypomelanistic/hypo stinkpot musk turtles, several morph slider turtles, albino Reeve's turtles, and albino snapping turtles. Our wild type species include genuine South African pardalis (giant leopard), Manouria emys phayrei (Burmese black), Brazilian carbonaria (cherryhead), and mini/dwarf locality stinkpot musk turtles. We may occasionally have other species that we work with. Breeders and projects within our partnership span multiple states and operational sites.
Morphs & Non-morphs - these are categories
Paradox ivory African spur-thigh
Ivory African spur-thigh
Het for Ivory
Hypo "Extreme" Bahia-type Brazilian cherryhead
Hypo Bahia-type Brazilian cherryhead
"Extreme" Bahia-type Brazilian cherryhead
67% het hypo
Bahia-type Brazilian cherryhead
67% het or 50% het hypo
Bahia-type Brazilian cherryhead
Venezuelan hypo redfoot
Venezuelan redfoot
100% het hypo
South African leopard
East African leopard
(pardalis...formerly babcocki)
Burmese black
Eastern Hermann's tortoise
Giant Asian pond turtle
Albino common snapper
Hypo stinkpot/musk
Albino Reeve's
Het for Albino Reeve's turtle
Caramel slider
(67% het charcoal)
(scripta ssp)
Charcoal slider
(67% het caramel)
(scripta ssp)
Het creamsicle slider
(100% het for caramel & charcoal)
(scripta ssp)
RT hypo slider
67% het for charcoal
(scripta ssp)
Black pearl slider
(67% het RT hypo)
(scripta ssp)
Hypo (aka white) "Mississippi" map
Albino cooter
Het amber slider
(100% het for RT hypo & charcoal)
(scripta ssp)
Mini/dwarf stinkpot/musk
Pancake tortoise
Red-cheek mud turtle
Creamsicle slider
(scripta ssp)
Dorbigny's slider
Macedonian European pond turtle
(orbicularis ssp)
Availability (see above categories for most pricing)
Currently Available
2024 poss (50%) het hypo Brazilian cherryheads - 1 for $500 shipped; 1 left
2024 Brazilian cherryheads - various attributes - 1 for $350 shipped to $425 shipped; 10 left
2024 Dorbigny's sliders - 1 for $175 shipped; group deals possible; 7 left and some have split scutes
Slider morph group deal: 3 2023 caramel sliders, 4 2024 caramel 67% het charcoal sliders, and 4 2024 charcoal 67% het caramel sliders (11 morph sliders in total) - $575 shipped
2024 100% het albino Reeve's turtles - 1 for $600 shipped; group/wholesale deals available
2024 100% het for ivory sulcata tortoises -
$275 shipped for one het by itself; group deals possible
2024 Guatemalan red-cheek mud turtles - large juveniles with rather nice color
$225 shipped for one if paid for via CashApp or Square.
$200 shipped for one if paid for via Zelle
4 left
2024 pancake tortoises -
1 for $500 to $645 shipped if paid for via Square or CashApp, depending on size and quality
1 for $475 to $625 shipped if paid for via Zelle, depending on size and quality
Group deals are possible, but not too many remain. Some have mild cosmetic imperfections.
2022 Eastern Hermann's tortoises (Shaun's stock) - 205 and up plus shipping
2023 Eastern Hermann's tortoises (Shaun's stock) - 140 and up plus shipping
2023 East African leopard tortoises (Shaun's stock) -
$180 plus shipping and up
Adult female hypomelanistic stinkpot musk turtle - 7000 shipped
not currently available anymore
Subdult female hypomelanistic map turtle - 8000 shipped
not currently available anymore
Coming Soon / On The Horizon
2025 Eastern Hermann's tortoises - next batches summer 2025
Burmese black (phayrei) mountain/forest tortoises - next batches summer 2025
Brazilian cherryheads 50% het and 67% het for hypo - spring and summer 2025
Hypo Brazilian cherryheads - spring 2025
Macedonian European pond turtles - next batches summer 2025
D'Orbigny's sliders - next batches summer 2025
Guatemalan red-cheek mud turtles (high-red) - spring and summer 2025
South African leopard tortoises - sold out until further notice
To place an order, please reach out to one of the following-
charcoal/creamsicle/hypo/amber sliders
Eastern painted turtles
Yellow-blotched map turtles (MO sales only; no exceptions)
East African leopard tortoises
Hypo and het hypo Venezuelan redfoot tortoises
Select Colubrids
Ivory & het ivory sulcatas
South African leopard tortoises
Brazilian cherryheads of any kind listed
Burmese blacks
Reeve's turtles
other turtles
If unsure about whom to contact, use and it will be rerouted.
*Please note that this section is subject to frequent changes, so be sure to check back often.*
Frequently Asked Questions
Can we visit your facilities?
While quasi-local pickups can be an option IF you are local to the breeder with the specific project you have interest in, facility tours are not. Can we come invade your private spaces because we want to? Use your toothbrush? Look inside your medicine cabinet? Yeah, no. We respect your privacy beyond the basics of being able to get your desired animal securely to you, so the expectation is that you respect ours as well. We are not running a petting zoo and security is a natural concern because despite you considering yourself to be trustworthy, many people are not trustworthy - and everyone will insist on being trustworthy regardless of the truth of that.
What do you specialize in?
Vertebrates with carapaces. Especially those with wicked awesome biological paint jobs.
What are the rates of your services?
Retail pricing is usually openly declared above. Wholesale pricing is usually shared by or in response to specific and direct inquiry. I recommend against trying to angle for some lower amount. There are plenty of vendors who resell or flip animals that would be more than happy to sell you weaker stock for lower amounts. Those are gambles. We are not selling gambles when it comes to health or quality.
Do you provide care information?
No...and yes. We expect people to do background research on caring for animals before reaching out to purchase. People who really care do that. People who want an animated/living toy do not prioritize that. People who are serious, rather than claiming to be "interested", set up housing according to their research before obtaining animals. We are happy to offer care tweaks to a well-described plan and we are happy to offer specific suggestions to specific questions about care, but outlining care from start to finish in the past has proven to be a waste of time for us because people tend not to listen or follow what is told, yet maintain that they have done "exactly" what has been instructed. As an example, a lush terrarium setup with a comprehensive diet had been outlined by one of our breeders and then the customer, saying everything was followed to a T, proceeded to show a cardboard box lined with hay beneath an intense heat lamp with wilted lettuce in a dish and a lethargic baby tortoise. Do you understand how frustrating that is for a breeder/seller? Immensely. Consequently, people who care are expected to invest some effort in educating themselves so that proper care is understood prior to contact and purchase. It makes for a better keeper and a healthier animal. People too lazy to put that work in tend to be neglectful in their duty to the animal's welfare.
How do statistics apply to your simple recessive morphs?
morph X morph = 100% morph offspring (this is basically the best/fastest breeding option for a project)
morph X het = 50% chance of morph, 50% chance of 100% het
het X het = 25% chance of morph, 50% chance of het, 25% chance of wild type (the non-morph babies from this pairing can also be called 67% hets because they have a 2/3 chance of being 100% hets when looking normal)
morph X wild type = 100% het offspring
het X wild type = 50% chance of 100% het, 50% chance of wild type (this is basically the worst/slowest breeding option for a project, but some projects that succeeded for us were achieved despite such unfavorable beginnings)
What is up with your locality-specific labeling?
When there is specificity of locality (such as with our cherryheads, which are Bahia region Brazilian cherryhead redfoot tortoises), we include that labeling and it is absolutely legitimate. The same goes for subspecific labeling (such as with Burmese black tortoises aka Manouria emys phayrei). We aim for that transparent honesty towards others because it is the transparent honesty we wish others would show us. When there is room for doubt (such as with various aquatic turtle morphs that descend from random farm-hatched origins in generations past or for things like sulcata tortoises that may have come from a conglomeration of range origins way back in their imported days), we will either include a qualifier such as quotation marks or there will be no mention of a specific locality or specific subspecies. We see a disappointing larger number of other sellers labeling crosses and non-Brazilian animals as cherryheads often in order to try to fool prospective customers. We see people labeling crosses with a little (or even no) cherryhead blood as hypo cherryheads when they are not actually what the label states. We see people labeling crosses that have some South African blood as South African leopard tortoises. Truth in labeling is important to us as a matter of social contract, so we will adhere to that while an unfortunate number of other people might not. That is why the labeling sometimes comes off as a bit extensive for some of what we work with.
What is your favorite color?
Grey. Like my ashen heart.
We encourage you to visit as well, as it is a top resource for classifieds relating to reptiles, amphibians, and associated goods. It has been our primary/preferred venue for advertisement for years.
Ivory sulcata & Burmese black
Female caramel slider
"Extreme" Brazilian cherryhead
Burmese black
Juvenile ivory
Het Hypo Brazilian
Female caramel slider
Burmese black side profile
Het Ivory & Ivory
Het Hypo Brazilian hatching
Morph slider embryo
Burmese black embryo
Burmese blacks hatching
Female charcoal slider
Blue tegu
Giant pardalis
Terms of Service & Conditions
We ship via Reptile Express (which utilizes Fed-Ex Priority Overnight). If there is adverse weather involved, we will wait for a safer shipping window as warranted. We offer a live arrival guarantee if you are present to receive. If there is a DOA situation, multiple high-resolution photos adequately displaying the condition within an hour of receipt are needed and we may request the body returned. If there is a discrepancy in description, we expect to be made aware of it within the day it is received, in which case, you are eligible to receive a full refund upon safe return of the animal(s). Animals under 4" scl are not sold as pets. Contiguous 48 only (we can ship to HI or AK, but there may be additional costs involved). We do not export on our own, but we can ship to your exporter. Deal discussion occurs exclusively through email. Unsexed animals, probable sexes, and temp-sexed animals have no associated guarantees as to a specific sex. Explicitly stated sexed animals are guaranteed to be that sex. Any deals performed in person / locally are final.